Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Dukes (Chapter Three)


                                  Chapter Three                                                               


 Edited by Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

By the end of September, Kevin was able to secure a land where he built a small shop for his painting work.                                                            

When October came, the shop was already opened for customers and filled with beautiful paintings Kevin had made.                                              

  Kevin sat in his shop selling his paintings to his customers. Just then, Precious his sister walked into the shop. She was a tall, fair young lady with beautiful dark eyes. She looked happy.                                                

Precious was carrying a basket of flowers she had plucked from her botanic garden.                                                                                                      

‘Brother,’ she said as she walked over to Kevin, ‘It’s almost noon. I think it’s time for lunch.’                                                                                      

‘How can I go for lunch while I have customers lined up to buy my paintings?’ Kevin looked up at her and said. ‘You can go back home.’                

‘No. I should help you instead.’ Placing the basket on a table, Precious smiled at Kevin and asked, ‘What can I do to help?’                                  

‘You should help me with the selling of my paintings,’ Kevin suggested. He was holding a painting of wild roses which had a girl in white dress looking far away at the chirping birds. That girl was probably Precious.                                                                                                  

  ‘It feels really cool being in that painting,’ Precious laughed, admiring that painting. ‘I think I would have to keep that painting for myself,’ she said, turning her head to Sophia and Desmond who had just arrived. 

‘I think you should keep it,’ Sophia laughed. She was looking gorgeous in her green dress.                                                                            

Kevin stood up and smiled. ‘I wonder what it could be like to go back and live in the palace,’ Kevin said thoughtfully when there were no customers in the shop except for his siblings. He glanced round at his siblings, who were admiring the paintings at the wall. ‘I never thought I would make it without depending on father, but after living alone and being able to achieve this little on my own, I want to thank father for firing me.’                                                                                                              

‘I suppose you would do that after you expand your business,’ Desmond suggested. ‘Your pictures look great. Father would be really proud of you.’ 

‘Look at this painting. I will like to keep it,’ Sophia said, pointing at a painting which had a small building with washing hung on the clothe line. 

‘Seeing people love your paintings, I would say that I am very proud of you, Kevin.’                                                                                                       

‘Fix a day for your picture exhibition. I’m sure you’ll sell all your paintings,’ Precious suggested.                                                                                  

‘You’re amazing for saying that, aren’t you?’ Kevin’s eyes were full of smiles. ‘I will go with your suggestion. Thanks, Precious.’                                    

‘Painting was your hobby but now it’s your job,’ Precious said with a smile.                                                                                                              

‘What’s for lunch?’ Sophia suddenly asked.                                                    

‘Do we go out and grab a bite?’ Desmond suggested.                                   

‘No. I brought lunch. Since I am saving for my expansion, I decided not to spend money on restaurants. Instead I cook my own food.’                          

‘Prince Kevin, how do you manage to survive?’ Desmond turned to Kevin and asked.                                                                                                        

‘Well, I guess I should have to do anything to save enough money. Since I no longer depend on dad…’                                                                             

‘Speaking of dad….he wants Desmond to find himself a wife as soon as possible,’ Sophia said.                                                                              

Kevin looked at Desmond. ‘Don’t you have anyone yet?’                            

Desmond shook his head. ‘Not yet.’                                                            

‘You’ll surely find the right woman for you,’ Kevin sounded hopeful. ‘Let’s eat.’                                                                                                       

  With that, Kevin opened his plastic bag and produced some meat pies he had baked at home in his small oven. He handed them one each and kept one for himself. He withdrew a water bottle as well, saying that he preferred to bring water from home instead of buying from street hawkers.                                                                                       

‘Hope you’re not being stingy on yourself?’ Precious looked at Kevin worriedly.                                                                                                            

Kevin shook his head. ‘No. I think that I have learnt a lot from all these…Yes, I am a prince but then, I should learn to survive on my own. I am really glad to have our father. He has taught me a lot.’                               

‘Why should we suffer when we have all the wealth in the world?’ Sophia said. ‘I mean, we’re rich but father treats us like children from average family. He wants us to depend on ourselves not on the family. To him, we’re broke and he is the only rich person in our family. He and mum…’                                                   

‘Desmond is leaving Obowo,’ Precious interrupted.                                     

‘But why?’ Kevin asked.                                                                                    

‘Father told him to resign from his workplace and move to another place. Father literally wants Desmond to start afresh. He wants to see if Desmond could survive without any help from him,’ replied Precious.                          

 ‘Desmond is here,’ Desmond said, his expression unreadable.             

Kevin looked at Desmond, his mouth full of meat pie. ‘I am sure that Desmond will make it.’                                                              

‘What if I don’t make it on my own? What if find a woman whose people accept to be married with diamond?’ Desmond said more to himself. ‘Maybe father will reject her.’                                                           

‘When the time comes, you’ll surely know what to do,’ Kevin gently said.                                                                                                             

Desmond nodded, trying his best to smile.                                            

Soon the small meal was finished and flushed down with water. Then, Precious rolled up her sleeves and put those flowers she had brought inside flower vase, and placed them by the window.                            

After a little chat, Kevin bade his siblings’ goodbye, then continued with his work.                                                                  




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